Veterinary Rehabilitation has long been the standard of care in human medicine to maximize recovery following injury or surgery and to successfully manage chronic conditions such as arthritis. At Allure Integrated Pet Specialists, Rehabilitation bridges Western and Alternative medicine to give your pet the best of both worlds.
Browse our website to see some the interventions and tools that we can utilize to help improve your pet’s mobility and comfort.
Our Rehabilitation treatments augment the relief provided by medications and alternative care (acupuncture, herbal supplements), often decreasing and even eliminating the need for conventional pain medications. Rehabilitation works as part of your pet’s care team, which includes your family Veterinarian, Veterinary Specialists here at Allure or other specialty groups, and providers of alternative/complementary care such as Acupuncture and Chiropractic.
Our ultimate goal is to empower you with the tools to help your pet attain the best quality of life possible and return to the activities you both enjoy.
- Osteoarthritis
- Geriatric weakness
- Mobility challenges
- Post-operative TPLO, CBLO, TTT, and extracapsular stabilizations (knee surgeries for cranial cruciate ligament tears)
- Conservative (non-surgical) management of cruciate ligament tear
- Hip, shoulder and elbow dysplasia
- Post-operative back surgery (hemilaminectomy, fusion, decompression)
- Conservative (non-surgical) management of spinal disorders including disc disease and Lumbosacral disease
- Post-operative neck surgery (ventral slots, AA stabilizations)
- Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE- “stroke of the spinal cord”)
- Femoral head ostectomies (FHO)
- Following trauma, including post-operative surgical repairs
- Post-operative fracture repairs
- Degenerative myelopathy (DM)
- Brain injury
- Injuries to tendons, ligaments
- Deconditioning
- Sports assessment and conditioning programs
Rehabilitation Services and Treatments
Our Rehabilitation department’s comprehensive suite of services and equipment includes many of the technologies found in a human Physical Therapy clinic as well as tools and treatments uniquely suited to animals’ needs.
- Underwater Treadmill
- Land Treadmill
- Therapeutic Exercise
- LASER Therapy
- Electrical Stimulation
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Manual Therapies
- Wheelchair Consultations, Fittings, and Training in Use
- Orthotics (Braces) & Prosthetics
- Weight Management
- Athletic Conditioning and Injury Prevention
- Home Exercise Programs

Your pet’s care team includes your family Vet, Allure, and most importantly, you! Owner education is a critical component of your pet’s care.
To best empower you to care for your pet through their recovery, we:
- Ensure you have strategies for effective management at home to protect healing tissues and provide your pet with optimal assistance.
- Problem-solve through specific home care challenges with you and make recommendations for tactics and products to make it easier to care for your pet.
- Utilize specialized software for home programs to provide a plan for you to follow with videos, illustrations, and detailed instructions.
Our Rehabilitation department is led by a Physical Therapist who obtained her advanced educational degree (Master’s in Physical Therapy) and began her career in 1996. Since 2002, she has worked exclusively in Veterinary specialty hospitals, making her one of the most experienced practitioners in the nation. She is joined by skilled and experienced staff including an assistant holding certification in Rehabilitation (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Assistant or CCRA) and a license in massage therapy (LMT in human medicine), a physical therapist + assistant, and a licensed veterinary technician. Our Rehabilitation team employs specialized equipment and compassionate fear-free handling skills to give your pet the best possible care in a low-stress environment.
Sound Alluring? Browse our website to explore the services we offer. You may also call and ask to speak with a member of the Rehabilitation team to discuss opportunities to help your pet.